357 Magnum, the alloy-framed Model 37 and 437, the alloy-framed/stainless barreled Airweight Model 637, and the top-of-the-line Models 337 and 360 (.357 Mag) which use Scandium alloy frames (along with a Titanium cylinder on the 337) and have adjustable rear sights. 38 Special, the stainless Model 60 which was later offered in. These five-shot J-frames include the standard steel-framed Model 36 in. The line is famous for housing medium-large. They later evolved into the "hammerless" Centennial – which actually still has a hidden, internal hammer – and the Bodyguard line which has the same profile as the Chief's Special but incorporates a shroud over the sides hammer. The S&W Model 986 is a revolver from t he L-framed line of Smith & Wesson revolvers. Smith and Wesson 986 Performance Center 5 Inch Barrel (Save up to 4) Price. Made in America, Smith and Wesson California compliant guns are superior weapons for everyday carry, home defense, hunting, competition, or recreational shooting. 38 Special snubs were seen in the 1940s with the exposed hammer Chief's Special. 9mm Suppressor 300 Blackout Suppressor 22 Suppressor. Heralded by the I-frame S&W Model 32 Terrier – chambered in. Smith & Wesson's classic five-shot "snub nose" revolvers are optimized for carry and span numerous models, almost exclusively with fixed sights. Guns Listing ID: 698203The Taurus Model 905 revolver is chambered in 9mm Luger enabling the Model 905s users to cross carry a revolver and a pistol while carrying only one type of ammunition. President Dwight Eisenhower was presented an early "pre-36" Chief's Special by the National Sheriff’s Association in 1953. Long discontinued, these are often very collectible if found in good condition. 32 S&W Long, the five-shot Model 32, and the. Smith & Wesson 986 9mm Revolver, 2.5 Barrel, Adjustable Sights, Silver - 10227. These small round-butt revolvers grew from Smith's old Model 1903 Hand Ejector design and, passing through the Regulation Police models, was later primarily manufactured in the 1950s and 60s. Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 986 Revolver 9mm 2.5 Product Description All Firearms and Firearms accessories sold at the Green Top Shooting Range. We're here to cover the more popular models both in current production and those passed on to the realm of collectors. With that being said, well over 200 S&W revolver variants and subvariants have hit the market with several never catching on or leading to eventual dead ends. When it comes to the company's modern revolvers, designed in the age of smokeless powder, most can be categorized into the small frame (I and J), medium frame (K and L), large frame (S and N), extra-large frame (X) and.

Today, S&W has expanded to include a wide range of pistols and rifles but remains a leader in the world of wheelguns. Smith & Wesson was formed in 1856, and the company's first model was a revolver.